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Թեմա՝ Հայացք «Սասունցի Դավիթ» էպոսին

Աշխատանքի ղեկավար՝ Մարիետ Սիմոնյան

Գրախոս՝ Սիամանթոյի անվան հիմնական դպրոցի հայոց լեզու, գրականության ուսուցիչ Մարինե Քարամյան, գրախոսություն

Ամբողջական աշխատանքը՝ այստեղ։

Սահիկաշարը՝ այստեղ։

Discussion and writing. April

Describe your favorite type of weather. Do you feel different because of weather? How do different types of weather affect your emotions?

Like everyone else, I have my favorite weather. Most of all, I love the weather of spring, since I associate it with freshness, calmness, joy, warmth and a range of similar pleasant feelings. Actually, I don’t like freezing and very hot weather, that’s why I’m not looking forward to winter or summer. However, I consider spring to be a perfect period, because the days are getting longer, especially since it is neither hot nor cold, it is always very pleasant and breezy outside. To be honest, in very cold weather, for example, in winter, I’m not in such a high mood, the day ends quickly and I also get tired faster. In the summer, I just hate leaving the house, unless I’m going to go swimming or some entertainment, because it’s always unbearably hot outside. Rainy weather is very pleasant and relaxing for me, when at any moment the weather can change and the sun will appear. And it only happens in spring, during my favorite season.